Freelance Internal Sales German

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For a strong company region Kortrijk, we are looking for a Freelance (internal) Account Manager.


You will be responsible for selling trade show booths from various trade shows.

Your duties:

  • You will be looking for companies that you think will enrich their fair i.e. companies that can offer an interesting solution, service or product for fair visitors. This is a nice way to give your own personal 'touch' to the fair you participate in!
  • You make the first (telephone) contact. Full of enthusiasm you can explain the added value of the fair. Of course it is also important to listen to the customer and advise them what the possibilities are for them.
  • How do you proceed? You can use our handy database where you can record and consult all information about and contact moments with a prospect or customer.
  • You stay in touch, answering questions and advising what participation options are available. You think along and know exactly how the client can best achieve their goals. In short: you work on the relationship with your almost-client only to hear the fantastic news... They want to become an exhibitor!
  • Of course, it doesn't stop with this one exhibitor. Your ultimate goal: together with your colleagues, bring together a range of exhibitors and turn it into a real total experience for the visitors. For this, you will always work in teams consisting of an Exhibition Manager, fellow Account Managers, Exhibition Supports, team Marketing,...
  • And then the moment your team and you have been striving so hard for arrives: the trade show is in sight! During the build-up days, you can physically meet your customers and wish them good luck with the many trade show contacts. During the actual exhibition days you can then (proudly) do your tour of the exhibition floor. This is then really enjoying your hard work! Here you can do plenty of networking with your customers. And who knows...they might even be determined to participate again in the next edition!

Your profile:

  • You are someone with strong commercial skills, who enjoys spending time in the world of fairs and events. Always willing to convince new exhibitors, both by phone and in real life. You combine professional know-how with a customer- and result-oriented approach and are complimented for your empathy and perseverance.  
  • You already have relevant experience within sales.
  • You can sell our events in German, in addition you speak fluent Dutch.
  • You are stress resistant and have a flexible attitude.
  • You are a hard worker who thrives both independently and as part of a team.


  • German
  • Commercial
  • Prospect

Why choose this assignment

  1. Freelance Account Manager
  2. Long-term assignment
  3. Work from home possible

Additional info

Region: Kortrijk
Availability: 3 Day(s) per week
Duration: 52 weeks
a18Tb00000BoX8xIAF West Flanders

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