Freelance Administrative-commercial clerk

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Our client is a window manufacturer and works mostly for developers and contractors.

A lot of quotations are made and due to busyness there is not always the time to follow them up.

We are looking for a freelance administrative-commercial assistant to do this follow-up.

Based on a list, you start calling the companies to whom an offer was sent in order to get an appointment or a signature on that offer.

The goal is to be able to turn the offer into a project.

Tracking is done in an excel document but the business manager is open to implementing a CMR system.

We are looking for a communicative, commercially minded freelancer who can work every Tuesday (from 8:30am to 5pm). In the beginning you will work from the office, eventually you can work from home.

You will join a (h)real Kempen family business with 3 people in the office and 5 production workers on the floor (and subcontractors).

The employees are at the heart of this company. The 4 pillars are honesty, approachability, reliability and a family atmosphere. Hard work with a touch of humor left and right, should definitely be allowed.

This is a long-term project.


Why choose this assignment

  1. Long-term assignment
  2. Family SME
  3. Healthy company

Additional info

Region: Wuustwezel
Availability: 1 Day(s) per week
Duration: 52 weeks
a18Tb00000HMbdVIAT Antwerp

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