
Whitepaper: Advice and tips on HR implications post-corona

Attracting and keeping up with the right talent? That is undoubtedly the challenge in the job market post-Corona. Corona is changing the job market, but the biggest change is yet to come. Many sectors have already suffered hard like the event industry.

What's in it for you?

You, as a business manager, HR manager, recruiter, executive, ... the tools to make a difference in the job market post-corona
Knowledge and advice from our experts on ways to attract and retain the right talent

For whom.

Case managers


Meet the experts

In this white paper, we take a closer look at the consequences of the corona crisis for the HR sector. You get advice and tips on the HR consequences post-corona with the unvarnished opinion of experts Rika Coppens, Jos Vermeiren, Tom Dewachter and Maarten Vansteenkiste.

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