Freelance Bookkeeper

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For our client, an Accounting Office located in Ronse, we are looking for a freelance Bookkeeper.

You will be responsible for following up files, being the preparation of the balance sheet and income statement, tax return, annual accounts,...

You will mainly process purchase and sales invoices, bank statements, review outstanding customers and suppliers, file VAT returns, prepare for interim and year-end closing.

Knowledge of yuki, exact online, silverfin and odoo required.


  • Accountancy
  • Billing
  • Financial statements
  • Exact Online
  • Odoo
  • Silverfin
  • Yuki

Why choose this assignment

  1. Young and family work atmosphere
  2. Accounting Office
  3. File Management

Additional info

Region: Ronse
Availability: 4 Day(s) per week
Duration: 24 weeks
a18KB000000PDREYA4 East Flanders

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