freelance platform

The 3 benefits of a freelance platform for clients

reading time: 5min | # principals #collaborating with freelancers | April 25, 2019 | Daan De Bock
Finding the right freelancer for your assignment is not always easy. Sometimes you doubt the qualities or you have to deal with an invalid profile. Besides the search for the ideal profile, there is often a whole administrative hassle involved. A freelance platform can be the solution to all these struggles.


1 Freelancers

Finding a freelancer with the right profile can be done much faster through a freelancing platform. Market research has shown that clients place great value on qualitative screening of freelancers. This is one of the first things that happens with a freelance platform. On top of that, it uses top-notch technology that guarantees smooth and correct automated matchmaking with your assignment. Thus, in no time you will have a specialist in the field you are looking for.


2 Accounting

You also no longer have to spend time preparing contracts or following administrative processes. A freelance platform fulfills a facilitating role and is like a guide in your search for and use of a freelancer. In addition, such a platform also creates clarity and can refer you to specific resources.


3 Time = money

By using a freelance platform, your needs are quickly met. Your tasks are lightened by finding freelancers and supporting or taking over the administration. On top of that, you can find numerous tips and tricks to optimize working with freelancers. For example, how to get the most out of a negotiation margin or how to properly terminate the collaboration.

At GiGHOUSE, when matching, we focus very hard on the cultural fit. This way, you will not only be offered a freelancer with the right qualities, but also a freelancer who matches the standards and values of your company. That way you can start right away on the same wavelength.


Looking for a freelancer for your business?

GiGHOUSE screens freelancers thoroughly and quickly matches the right freelancer to your assignment. Hereby we take into account the right competencies and a cultural fit with your company. Interested in a smooth cooperation with freelancers? GiGHOUSE gets you started quickly.

Get in touch and we'll help you out!

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